What Is Complete Protein? Best Vegan Complete Protein Sources

vegan complete protein sources

If you have recently switched to becoming a vegan, then you may be wondering about the best vegan complete protein sources.

You need to make sure that your diet contains these good proteins since many plant-based foods do not have complete protein.

When this happens, you may not be getting enough amino acids from the foods you eat. It’s not that they are low in protein. Instead, they are lacking in some amino acids that your body needs.

Discover more about the best complete vegan protein sources that you need to be incorporating into your diet each day.

Vegan Complete Protein Sources

Complete proteins for vegetarian or vegan folks are challenging to find. After all, just because it says in the label that it contains protein, you need to make sure it is complete protein. This is why you need to understand what amino acids are and which foods contain all of the essential amino acids.

Basically, amino acids are protein’s building blocks. You need these to help your body make protein structures required to maintain the health of your tissues.

All proteins do have amino acids. However, the number varies. Among the essential amino acids that you need to have are: valine, threonine, phenylalanine, lysine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, and tryptophan.

Animal protein is abundant in amino acids and contains all of these nine. This is why they are considered as complete proteins. Even dairy products and eggs have complete proteins.

On the other hand, plant proteins do not all have 9 amino acids. Cereals and grains, for instance, may be protein-rich but has inadequate lysine.

As for legumes, they are rich in lysine. But unfortunately, they are not good sources of cystine, methionine, and tryptophan.

Best Complete Sources Of Protein For Vegans

With all these things in mind, the best solution for obtaining complete proteins is by combining certain foods.

For instance, combining legumes with beans will ensure you of all the 9 essential amino acids. You can even add in some seeds and nuts as these are rich in cystine, methionine, and tryptophan.

Yet, you don’t necessarily have to consume all of these complementary protein sources in every meal. The most important thing is that you are getting a good variety of high quality protein from your diet. This way, you can make sure that you have the right amounts of amino acids.

Among the best combinations for complete protein sources for vegans are:

  • Peas and pasta
  • Pita and hummus
  • Rice and beans
  • Almonds and lentils
  • Peanut butter on whole wheat bread
  • Tofu and brown rice

Final Words

It takes the right combination of foods to make sure you are taking in complete proteins from your diet. But did you know that there is one plant-based protein source that has all essential amino acids? That’s tofu!

Tofu is a great way to get not only complete proteins but also phytochemicals and healthy fats in your diet. Combine this with some seeds such as hemp seed, chia seed, quinoa, or amaranth, and you are guaranteed to have complete proteins from your diet each day.

With some research and creativity in preparing your meals, you can be sure to consume all essential amino acids or complete proteins for your optimum health.

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